5-Days Weather Forecast of Chapadu block of Ysr-kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh

We provide the most accurate weather forecast for Chapadu block of Ysr-kadapa district of Andhra Pradesh for the upcoming five days, directly sourced from the India Meteorological Department.

Rainfall Information : A total of 16 mm of rainfall expected in the coming week.

Here's the day-to-day breakdown of the weather forecast

Temperature Icon

33.2 °C

Rainfall Icon


Additional Icon

0.0 mm

14-10-2024 , Monday

There is currently no possibility of rain.

Maximum temperature likely to be 33.2 degrees Celsius and Minimum temperature is 24.8 degrees Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity likely to be 84% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 49%.

Wind speed may go up to 10.0 kilometres per hour. With East direction

Cloud cover (Octa) i.e. the reading of the density of clouds may be 8. Hence there is a possibility of Cloudy sky.

Read also: वायु प्रदुषण से दिल पर भी पड़ता हैं बुरा प्रभाव

Temperature Icon

32.0 °C

Rainfall Icon


Additional Icon

0.6 mm

15-10-2024 , Tuesday

Rainfall: 0.6 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature likely to be 32.0 degrees Celsius and Minimum temperature is 24.5 degrees Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity likely to be 82% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 52%.

Wind speed may go up to 7.0 kilometres per hour. With East direction

Cloud cover (Octa) i.e. the reading of the density of clouds may be 8. Hence there is a possibility of Cloudy sky.

Read also: सार्वजनिक परिवहन एक बड़ा समाधान है वायु प्रदूषण की समस्या का

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

28.9 °C

Rainfall Icon


Additional Icon

5.1 mm

16-10-2024 , Wednesday

Rainfall: 5.1 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature likely to be 28.9 degrees Celsius and Minimum temperature is 24.0 degrees Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity likely to be 89% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 64%.

Wind speed may go up to 4.0 kilometres per hour. With West direction

Cloud cover (Octa) i.e. the reading of the density of clouds may be 8. Hence there is a possibility of Cloudy sky.

Read also: डेयरी पशुओं के लिए प्रोबायोटिक चारा यानि साईलेज का महत्व  

Heavy Rain with Clouds
Temperature Icon

31.1 °C

Rainfall Icon


Additional Icon

7.3 mm

17-10-2024 , Thursday

Rainfall: 7.3 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature likely to be 31.1 degrees Celsius and Minimum temperature is 24.4 degrees Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity likely to be 88% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 55%.

Wind speed may go up to 13.0 kilometres per hour. With North direction

Cloud cover (Octa) i.e. the reading of the density of clouds may be 8. Hence there is a possibility of Cloudy sky.

Read also: Prevalent Health Issues of Animals for Farmers

Temperature Icon

28.5 °C

Rainfall Icon


Additional Icon

3.0 mm

18-10-2024 , Friday

Rainfall: 3.0 mm is likely to occur.

Maximum temperature likely to be 28.5 degrees Celsius and Minimum temperature is 24.6 degrees Celsius.

Maximum Relative Humidity likely to be 85% and the Minimum Relative Humidity is 73%.

Wind speed may go up to 20.0 kilometres per hour. With East direction

Cloud cover (Octa) i.e. the reading of the density of clouds may be 8. Hence there is a possibility of Cloudy sky.

Read also: वायुप्रदूषण से प्रभावित होती है निर्णय लेने की क्षमता और फर्क पड़ता है कम्पनी की तरक्की पर

Weekly Weather Outlook

We understand the importance of staying informed about the weather for the success of your agricultural activities. That's why we're here to provide you with the latest weather information, including daily updates, 5-day forecasts, and real-time reports specific to your location. Here are the details of the Weekly Weather Outlook.

  • Minimum Temperature: The average minimum temperature for the week is approximately 24.46 °C
  • Maximum Temperature: The average maximum temperature for the week is reaching up to around 30.74 °C
  • Rainfall Potential: The average rainfall potential for the week is expecting approximately 6.4 mm of rainfall, which is vital information for your irrigation and crop management strategies.
  • Humidity Levels: The average humidity levels for the week vary, with a maximum averaging around 85.6 %, and a minimum averaging around 58.6 %.

These insights, along with data on average rainfall, average minimum and maximum temperatures, as well as average humidity levels, are indispensable for making well-informed decisions for your farming operations. Monitoring these ever-changing weather conditions is crucial for ensuring the success of your agricultural endeavors. Stay updated on the weather in your region and plan your activities accordingly. Your farming success hinges on it.

Wind direction: Degree to Direction conversion.


Categories for Sky condition in Local Forecast

Sky condition Portion of sky covered with clouds (in Octa)
Clear sky 0
Mainly clear sky 1-2
Partly cloudy sky 3-4
Generally cloudy sky 5-7
Cloudy sky >7

List of Gram Panchayats under Chapadu Block

Seetharama puram