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List of Gram Panchayats under Kaikalur Block in Krishna

Satellite View of Weather Situation

Satellite situation

Realised weather during past 24 hours till 0830 hours IST of today

  • Cold day to severe cold day conditions prevailed in some parts of Uttar Pradesh cold day conditions in isolated pockets of south Punjab and south Haryana.
  • Cold wave conditions prevailed in isolated pockets of Telangana and Himachal Pradesh.
  • Ground Frost conditions reported in isolated pockets of Chhattisgarh.
  • Very dense fog (visibility< 50 m) reported in most parts of Punjab, Haryana Chandigarh &
    Delhi; in some parts of Uttar Pradesh; in isolated pockets of Jammu & Kashmir, Northwest Rajasthan, Northwest
    Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Assam; Dense fog (visibility 50-199) in isolated pockets of Himachal Pradesh, Tripura
    Northeast Madhya Pradesh and north Interior Odisha.
  • Visibility reported (< 200 m) (in meter): Jammu & Kashmir: Srinagar 00,
    Jammu 50; Punjab:Patiala, Amritsar, Pathankot 00 each; Delhi: Palam 00, Safdarjung 00; Haryana: Hisar
    0, Ambala, Karnal 10 each; Chandigarh 00; West Rajasthan: Ganganagar-0; Uttar Pradesh: Bareilly, Jhansi,
    Bahraich, Varanasi, Agra, Hindon Airport, Lucknow, Kanpur 00 each, Aligarh 30, Kushinagar 50; West Madhya
    Pradesh: Gwalior 00; Bihar:Purnea & Bhagalpur-0 each, Patna Airport 100; Assam: Guwahati-0; East Madhya
    Pradesh: Khajuraho 50; Himachal Pradesh: Bilaspur 100; Odisha: Rourkela 100
  • Weather Systems, Forecast and warning:

    • A Western disturbance as a Trough in middle & upper Tropospheric westerlies runs roughly
      along Long. 64°E to the north of Lat. 25°N with an embedded cyclonic circulation over Afghanistan &
      neighbourhood in lower to upper tropospheric levels. An induced cyclonic circulation lies over southwest
      Rajasthan & adjoining Pakistan in lower tropospheric levels. It is very likely to cause
    • A trough in middle & upper tropospheric westerlies runs roughly along Long. 93°E to the north of Lat. 26°N.
      A cyclonic circulation lies over northeast Assam in lower tropospheric levels. It is very likely to cause
    • Light to moderate rainfall at a few places accompanied with thunderstorm activity at isolated places likely
      over Northeastern states on 08th January. Isolated hailstorm also likely over northeast Assam on 08th January.

    • Isolated rainfall accompanied with thunderstorm activity over Punjab, Haryana Chandigarh on 5th & 6th and
      northwest Uttar Pradesh on 06th; scattered rainfall/snowfall over Uttarakhand on 06th January.
    • A fresh Western Disturbance and its interaction with easterly winds likely to affect Northwest India from
      10th-12th January. Under its influence, Light/moderate scattered to fairly widespread rainfall/snowfall likely
      over Western Himalayan region and Light/moderate isolated to scattered rainfall likely over the plains of
      Northwest India and adjoining central India during the same period.
    • Thunderstorm activity at isolated places likely over Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Uttar
      Pradesh, Rajasthan on 11th and over Uttarakhand on 11th & 12th January. Isolated hailstorm also likely over
      Rajasthan on 11th January.

    Cold Wave Warnings:

    Cold wave conditions very likely in isolated pockets over Himachal Pradesh, Punjab on 08th & 09th; Rajasthan & West
    Madhya Pradesh on 08th; Jammu-Kashmir-Ladakh-Gilgit-Baltistan-Muzaffarabad on 09th & 10th January.
    Cold Day Warnings:
    Cold day conditions very likely in isolated pockets of Madhya Pradesh on 08th & 09th January.
    Dense Fog Warnings:
    Very Dense fog Condition very likely to continue to prevail during night/early morning hours in some
    parts of Punjab, Haryana- Chandigarh – Delhi and Uttar Pradesh till 10th January.
    Dense fog conditions very likely to continue to prevail during night/early morning hours in isolated pockets of SubHimalayan West Bengal & Sikkim till 09th; Himachal Pradesh & Bihar till 11th; Madhya Pradesh & Odisha till 10th;
    Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram & Tripura till 13th January.
    Fishermen Warnings:
    Fishermen are advised not to venture into southeast Bay of Bengal & southwest Bay of Bengal on 08th & 10th and
    central parts of south Bay of Bengal on 09th January.